New TDA Projects Address Stormwater, Building Construction Needs

The Canterbury Downs Amphitheater Project in Shakopee, Minnesota utilized ASTM 6270-B TDA derived from end-of-life tires (ELTs) to meet state and federal stormwater requirements.

Contractor for the job Stantec Engineering used tire-derived-aggregate (TDA) due to its 50 percent void space in the compacted ASTM 6270-B TDA to create an efficient stormwater management system for the expansive Amphitheater and numerous parking spaces to accommodate future guests. Ramsey Companies, serving as the General Contractor, oversaw site preparation, Amphitheater construction, grading, and the creation of the Stormwater Infiltration Gallery.

Mars Mineral

Tire Derived Aggregate (TDA), made from recycled scrap tires, is used as a fill material in stormwater infiltration galleries, replacing traditional gravel, because its larger void spaces allow for greater water infiltration and storage within a smaller gallery footprint, making it a cost-effective and space-saving option for managing stormwater runoff while also potentially filtering pollutants from the water.  40,000 compacted cubic yards of TDA, which equates to repurposing 2.4 million tires were used for the project.

This infiltration gallery will use ASTM 6270-B TDA to retain and detain approximately 550,000 cubic feet of stormwater underground in the void space available in the TDA.

More than 25 TDA Infiltration Galleries have been approved and installed since 2005, Monte Niemi, President TDA Mfg., said.

In another project, a pole-building renovation presented unique challenges due to uneven terrain and significant 3 feet of grade variations from one end of the building to the other.

Tire derived aggregate (TDA) blocks were installed around the perimeter of the 24′ X 40′ pole building. Twenty-one TDA Blocks 30″ x 30″ x 60″ were able to be placed to level the working surface at the perimeter.

These TDA Blocks worked as a restraining structure to hold the embankment made from additional soils and 3-5 inches of c tire-derived crumb rubber was used as an insulator under the hot water tubing used to heat the concrete.

The TDA blocks are compacted and compressed in the manufacturing process so in the construction phase no additional compaction effort is required.

The TDA Blocks produced a solid and uniform foundation installed at the correct elevation for the pole barn’s new floor.

Source: TDA Mfg.

© Scrap Tire News, February 2025