July 2024
In This Issue:

  • Packaging TDA
  • From Scrap Tires To Car Parts
  • Lower Retread Costs
  • Circtec Acquires Granuband
  • Schwalbe Increases rCB Use
  • Scrap Tires Fixing MI Roads

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Scrap Tire News has provided tire recycling professionals with the latest tire and rubber recycling news and information since 1986. Published monthly, the newsletter features product and equipment developments, legislative news and cutting-edge research and innovations. Company profiles and industry news give our readers a competitive advantage in the fast-paced tire and rubber recycling marketplace.

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Patagonia Develops First End-Of-Life Solution For Wetsuits

Recovered carbon black from retired Yulex® wetsuits and tires used as components to make new ones Patagonia, as the industry leader in environmentally and socially responsible surf gear, is proud to share the co-development of a groundbreaking circular solution for wetsuits with Bolder Industries, a Boulder, Colorado-based circular solution provider for rubber, plastic and petrochemical […]

From Scrap Tires To Car Parts

Collaboration seeks to recycle tires into plastics for automotive applications Neste, Borealis and Covestro have signed a project agreement to enable the recycling of discarded tires into high-quality plastics for automotive applications. The collaboration aims at driving circularity in plastics value chains and the automotive industry. When no longer fit for use, tires are liquefied […]

Legislation Would Lower Tire Retread Costs

U.S. Reps. Darin LaHood (R-IL) and Emilia Sykes (D-OH) introduced legislation in June to lower tire costs by providing a tax credit for purchasing retreaded tires. The legislation, “Retreaded Truck Tire Jobs, Supply Chain Security and Sustainability Act,” would provide U.S. consumers with tax credits for purchasing tires that have had the tread on them […]

Packaging Tire Derived Aggregate

Innovation was heard throughout the recent 2024 Tire Recycling Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Not surprising, when for the first time, technology, compounding, and chemistry rather than tire processing took center stage. Noteworthy, however, is innovation taking place in tire derived aggregate (TDA) that is adding value and bringing out its environmental benefits. Innovation that holds […]

RubberForm Products Support Safety

Buffalo firm celebrates National Public Works Week and Construction Safety Week “We are excited to celebrate the public works crews who work tirelessly everyday to make our local communities and cities safe,” RubberForm  President Bill Robbins, said.  “We recognize and appreciate those willing to go the extra mile to improve our surroundings. As part of […]

Mycocycle Uses Mushrooms To Upcycle ELT Rubber and Construction Waste

Joanne Rodriguez Rodriguez, founder and CEO of Mycocycle, grows fungus on trash to turn it into something better. “We train mushrooms to eat trash and create renewable, bio-based raw materials” she told TechCrunch. The company has turned to a group of fungi known as white-rot mushrooms. In nature, fungi tend to thrive on things like […]

Fort Worth Contracts For Tire Recycling and Disposal Service

City council approves $180,000 tire disposal and recycling agreement The Fort Worth City Council has authorized an agreement with All American Tire Recyclers for tire recycling and disposal services for up to $180,000 annually. The Environmental Services Department approached the Purchasing Division to procure an agreement for tire recycling and disposal services to provide equipment, […]

Tire Recycling Foundation: New Era in Tire Recycling

Dynamic new organization brings together every player in the tire recycling value chain, from manufacturers, distributors and retailers to collectors, processors and end users, opening a new era of tire recycling with the common goal that all end-of-life tires enter sustainable and circular markets. Before tire recycling was tire recycling, a handful of individuals and […]

Tire Recycling Equipment

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Granutech Saturn


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  • Fornnax Technology

    BCA Industries Logo

    Granutech Saturn

  • Liberty Tire Recycling

    M.A. Associates

    Unlimited Resources Corp

    Lakin Tire

  • Postle Industries

    Lakin Tire

    Amandus Kahl

    Eco Green Equipment

  • Leader Mulch Logo

    Keith Manufacturing Logo

    Mars Mineral Logo

    SSI Shredding Logo

  • STREF Logo

    All American Tire Recycling

    American Tire Recycling Logo

Crumb Rubber

Crumb rubber is a versatile tire derived material that adds value to molded rubber products, playgrounds and sport safety surfaces, composites, automotive parts, tires and asphalt modifications.

Tire Derived Fuel

Tire-derived fuel is the largest U.S. scrap tire market. Industrial facilities including cement kilns, pulp and paper mills and electric utilities use tdf as supplemental fuel.

Tire Derived Aggregate

Tire derived aggregate is used as a construction material in many civil engineering applications including lightweight fill, thermal insulation, vibration attenuation, septic system trenches and drainage layers.

Rubberized Asphalt

The Rubberized Asphalt Section will be available soon. Please check back at a later date.

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