A New Recycling Markets Connection

Online searchable database includes tire recycling companies

To celebrate Earth Day by finding real-time solutions for recycled materials and items, the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center (RMC) in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has launched a new online searchable database of Pennsylvania recycled materials markets outlets, including scrap tire processing companies, equipment manufacturers and recycled rubber products manufacturers.

Barlcay Roto-Shred

The user-searchable markets database is accessible through the RMC website, PennRMC.org, and facilitates pairing of those with recycled items to end markets or manufacturers that can use these materials for production feedstocks.

“We now benefit from use of the markets database in helping to support Pennsylvania manufacturing of recycled content products,” Robert J. Bylone, Jr., President, CEO of the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center, said.

The markets database is responsively designed and is accessible through almost any device browser at PennRMC.org

© Scrap Tire News, May 2023