California Passes Sweeping Overhaul Of State Tire Recycling Program

In back-to-back votes, the California State Assembly and the California State Senate passed AB 2908, Tire Recycling Incentive Program (TRIP) which directs CalRecycle to develop an incentive payment system to fund recycling end-uses for waste tires. Following votes on Aug. 27 and Aug. 23 respectively, the bill was sent to Governor Brown for signing.

AB 2908 also sets a 75 percent recycling target for waste tires, nearly double the current rate, and updates the state’s tire manifest system.

Mars Mineral

While the new incentive program will be funded from the state’s existing tire fee ($1.75), the legislation also allows CalRecycle to assess a charge on the sale of new tires (not to exceed $1) to fund the Department’s regulatory activities.

AB 2908 is the third attempt in four years to reform the State’s tire recycling system.

The Governor has until the end of September to sign or veto AB 2908.

© Scrap Tire News, September 2018