Animat’s Rolled Rubber Flooring Provides Animal Comfort
Recycled mine conveyor belt rubber gives durability
DairyGrip is an industrial-grade, steel cable-reinforced, rolled rubber flooring system manufactured by Animat, a North West Rubber Company, is designed to increase cow comfort and mobility while withstanding the extreme demands of sand bedded flush barns and dairy farms using heavy equipment.
Engineered with premium, heavy-duty, recycled rubber mine belting and an integral steel cable system ensures a longer lasting product by stabilizing the rubber to prevent stretching caused by skid loader scraping and heavy equipment traffic for maximum durability.
Its Proven zigzag surface grooving provides improved cushioning and excellent bi-lateral traction for cows to reduce slips and falls.
Available in varying thicknesses averaging from 3/4” to 1”. Dairy Grip is supplied in 100’ lengths to reduce the number of flooring seams. DairyGrip is ideal for holding pens, travel lanes, free stall alleys and any high traffic heavy equipment usage areas.
Recently, Animat shipped 5,100 square feet of DairyGrip grooved rolled rubber to a Lethbridge, Alberta dairy farm and completed installation of the flooring at Schilling Farms LLC, a Wisconsin-based dairy and livestock farm.
“Our shipping and logistics teams are working hard to ensure that our customers and partners have the best rubber products which will improve animal welfare and enhance their farming operations,” Animat said.
© Scrap Tire News, April 2024