TPE Derived From End-of-Life Tires

Seattle, WA-based Prism Worldwide recently announced the commercial availability of Ancora™ C-1000 Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE). Based on Prism’s patented technology, Ancora™ C-1000 contains 50 percent post-consumer recycled content derived from end-of-life tires, while maintaining the look, feel and processing of a typical petrochemically derived TPE.

Ancora TPEs are a new class of TPE compounds utilizing polymers derived from end-of-life tires manufactured with Prism Worldwide’s patented PrismTM process. This process uses tire rubber as the primary feedstock in the production of polymer intermediates called PTR™.  These intermediate polymers are then compounded into injection moldable TPE pellets at Prism’s recently acquired Sodus, NY plant.

Mars Mineral

The first compound in a series, Ancora C-1000 is suitable for use in a broad range of applications, such as automotive all-weather mats, weather stripping, footwear and more. This new Ancora compound is available in black and has a Shore A of 80.

Ancora C-1000 is 99 percent domestically sourced meeting  the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act ( IIJA) Buy America requirements. Compared to virgin synthetic rubber compounds, Prism’s base polymer has approximately 86 percent lower carbon footprint.

“There is growing demand for recycled content throughout the industry, and high recycled content TPEs are not widely available in the marketplace.  This product fills a unique market demand for both sustainability and performance.

The technology we use can be applied over a broad range of applications and we look forward to working with the industry to grow this into a family of TPE compound products.” Mark Kinkelaar, Prism’s Chief Commercial Officer, said.

© Scrap Tire News, June 2023