Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Hits milestone… one million tires!

Since its inception in 1990, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and its affiliates and partners have properly disposed of over one-million scrap tires. The tires were collected from Pennsylvania’s roads, waterways, parks, trails and remote areas during locally coordinated cleanups or collected at one-day recycling events and permanent drop-off locations.

“Reaching this significant milestone took three decades and countless volunteer hours. Our volunteers collected tires during special collection events, stream cleanups, Illegal dump cleanups and Pick Up Pennsylvania events. A lot of hard, dirty work went in to moving that many tires. We couldn’t be more proud and grateful,” Shannon Reiter, President of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful said.

Eco Green Equipment

Tires collected were either recycled and processed into rubber mulch, play turf, rubber asphalt roads and other items or shredded and landfilled.

Father and son clearing creek of tiresAlthough it’s illegal to dump them, the PA Department of Environmental Protection has documented a dozen abandoned and commercial waste tire piles across the state, with more than 10,000 waste tires. Many smaller tire piles and residential dumpsites containing tires also dot the landscape, a result of historic, generational stockpiling and dumping by unscrupulous individuals and business owners.

Many of our affiliates offer either one-day special collections or host permanent drop-off locations in their service areas, providing a convenient, affordable outlet. Tire dealers also offer disposal services for a small fee when you get new,” said Reiter.

© Scrap Tire News, March 2021