KB Industries Awarded Additional Yellowstone National Park Contract

Initial installation of Flexi®-Pave for infrastructure improvements deemed a huge success

Clearwater, Florida-based KB Industries (KBI) was awarded a new Federal contract by the National Parks Authority to expand the use of Flexi®-Pave, flexible porous pavement solution throughout areas of Yellowstone National Park.

Tire Recycling Equipment

In 2015, the Yellowstone Foundation awarded KBI an initial contract to supply and install tens of thousands of square feet of porous and flexible pavement utilizing crumb rubber from recycled tires within the Park.

According to Atlanta Wind & Solar Inc., KBI’s parent organization, after Flexi®-Pave was installed in 2015 and again in 2016, 2017 and 2018, it became clear that the porous and flexible surface eliminated the undesirable cracking and subsequent fracturing and breaking off of asphalt pieces from the park pathways.

Anecdotally, Park visitors say the Flexi-Pave pathways are more comfortable to walk on than traditional asphalt or concrete due to the slight “give” created by the addition of the crumb rubber to the proprietary mix of ingredients.


© Scrap Tire News, October 2020