TDA Technical Trainings

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) recently sponsored a series of trainings on tire derived aggregate (TDA). The agency partnered with the Colorado Association of Road Supervisors and Engineers (CARSE) to bring information about opportunities to use tire derived aggregate in road construction, bridge abutments and other county projects in Colorado to road and bridge delegates, county commissioners and other county officials.

The technical training sessions were held at the Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI) Foundation 2017 Winter Conference. Dr. Dana Humphrey, P.E., Professor of Civil Engineering University of Maine presented trainings which covered “Characteristics” of Tire-Derived Aggregate; “Examples of How to Use” Tire-Derived Aggregate; and “Environmental and Economics” of Tire-Derived Aggregate in three separate sessions. Brian Gaboriau, CDPHE attended the trainings and participated in providing additional information on Colorado’s waste tire program and resources.

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CDPHE also sponsored Dr. Humphrey in conducting a Roads Scholar II course entitled ” Road Applications of Tire-Derived Aggregate”, for the Colorado Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP). CDPHE representatives Brian Gaboriau and Shana Baker offered information on locating sources of TDA in the state and how to access other CDPHE resources.

In another training, Dr.Humphrey presented a tire-derived aggregate and cut-tire training session for CDPHE landfill professionals and staff at CDPHE offices. Dr. Humphrey spoke about using tire derived aggregate as drainage layers in landfill leachate collection systems, recirculation trenches, drainage layers in landfill covers and gas collection systems.

The training sessions were interactive with delegates identifying potential TDA projects and applications in their jurisdictions. Delegate feedback said the trainings raised “awareness of the material” and showed delegates “practical ways to use the material”. In addition to the annual conference, CARSE holds several one-day workshops around the state throughout the year which may offer additional opportunities for CDPHE trainings or presentations.

The CLTAP training, which was highly interactive, resulted in the addition of Tire Construction Unit (TCU) to CDPHE’s beneficial use list. As defined, a TCU is a tire with one sidewall removed, and filled with aggregate. TCU’s can be used in various types of road construction including retaining walls and slope stabilization.

© Scrap Tire News, January 2018