CalRecycle Launching A New Tire Incentive Program (TIP)

The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) is launching a new Tire Incentive Program (TIP) grant with a $1.8 million allocation for this fiscal year (2013/14). The goal of the pilot grant program which has potential awards up to $500,000 is to “expand commercial demand for different high value-added tire-derived products (TDPs) by providing financial incentives to eligible manufacturers to more competitively price and market their TDPs, thereby increasing sales and market share.” A greater incentive will be paid to encourage feedstock conversion (substituting crumb rubber for virgin rubber). In addition, there will be an incentive to encourage the use of “finer” (<60 mesh) material and/or for rubber co-extruded/injected with plastic or other materials.

© Scrap Tire News, November 2013