China to Consume 3.5 Million Tons of Recycled Rubber

During the recent World Rubber Summit, Mary Xu, deputy secretary-general for the China Rubber Industry Association (CRIA) said China will consume around 3.5 million metric tons of recycled rubber in 2012.

According to Xu, this figure represents more than 10 percent of global rubber consumption, and compares with China´s consumption of 6.9 million tons of virgin rubber in 2011. This comprises 3.2 million tons of natural rubber (NR) and 3.7 million tons of synthetic rubber. In 2012 this is likely to increase to 3.4 million tons of NR and 4 million tons of synthetic, totaling 7.4 million, Deputy Secretary-General Xu said.

CM Shredders

She said China consumed 3 million tons of recycled rubber in 2011, which represents about 81 percent of global recycled rubber consumption.

© Scrap Tire News, June 2012